Conscious Conception Tips for Pregnancy
There is a science to observing intuition, and it can be a methodical undertaking with a purpose, procedure, operation, and conclusion. Learning to listen to the unconscious allows us a window into the magic that is all around us.
The unconscious can link each of our unique beings with the grand collective that governs us all. Faith may well be the evidence of things unseen, as the New Testament suggests, but I don’t think that it has to be. The rich symbols that surround us in daily life, and that capture our attention through synchronicity, are a different kind of proof in the unseen cosmic infrastructure. Pausing to acknowledge these proofs can map a path forward for each of us.
If and when we need encouragement—especially when we are in the essential moments of our lives, be it choosing new directions, closing past chapters, or listening to the call of our spirits for radical change—symbols, synchronicity, and cosmic timing can provide us with confirmation that we are, indeed, on the correct trajectory.
In my book, Spiritual Fertility, I infuse my own experiences as a fertility doctor and intuitive with the stories of my clients.
I make the leap from the body’s energetics to how we can harness our energetic connection to the universe in a practical and magical way to work with a force that hasn’t occurred yet: pregnancy. You learn how the principles of cosmic timing can be applied to all processes having to do with fertility and child-rearing—from freezing eggs, to conceiving, to choosing to adopt.
When I work with clients, we look deeply into the unconscious energies that influence their connection to reproduction, including the social, medical, and familial narratives that are sometimes blindly disseminated. I take into account fertility lab reports, as well as blood test and menstrual cycle tracking, in addition to the subtler findings that I have been trained to observe. Sound, sight, smell, and feel all deliver valuable data as to why fertility might be stagnant, congested, or blocked. A client’s choice of words, their pitch and vocalization, as well as body language and respiration all describe the history of that person’s life.
Children, no matter by what means they are conceived and born, carry the energetic operating system for all of us who share the future of the planet. My book, Spiritual Fertility, reminds us, as a society, of that. In using the tools of ancient and modern spiritual and intuitive wisdom and wedding them with rational science, we can choose conscious conception over a mechanical approach. Instead of defining ourselves on the basis of our symptoms, we can use them to identify the deepest root of who we are and what we must overcome in order to bring forth new life.
Conscious Conception and Spiritual Fertility from Dr. Julie Von
So often, the spiritual signs of pregnancy and timing are already present in a person’s life, but what is lacking is permission to give these events credit and acknowledge their power.
Many people in our lives will be supportive and encouraging when we share the stories about magical moments, while others will quickly turn their own cynicism towards us with a vengeance. Leaning into the fertility meditation I share in Spiritual Fertility, is of great assistance in helping you continue to connect to the spirit of your child while also helping to fortify and clear your fertility chakra.
It is my intention, to show you powerful healing practices that can help you overwrite transgenerational narratives and promote conscious conception, which takes into account the mind, body, and spiritual connections to conception and pregnancy.
I LOVE the moment when I am working with someone in my acupuncture office or in an online consultation, when everything clicks into place and they are able to deeply trust in their own path and intuition and that it is indeed, leading them into parenthood.
For more insights and tips into
Conscious Conception—Check out My Book, Spiritual Fertility
With Love,