The Connection Between Feminism And The Unresolved Symptom: Part 1
Motherhood is an exalted existential state. It carries with it the density of a life crisis, a mental break, and death. Without agreeing to this deep state of subjective exploration, before you know it, every aspect of your identity is thrown into chaos.
How you respond to the chaos refines you into a new being while simultaneously breaking the myth of all those who lived before. Breaking the myth is the real motivation for these identity disasters. What we have perpetuated, through the repression and to some extent sale of our feminine libidinal energies is a repetitive symptom, an unresolved wound, who’s suffering we have inadvertently agreed to live with forever.
But, you are not an industrial mold.
Someone told me recently that they broke the mold when they made me. While this is not a false statement, and indeed it felt good to have this kind of external recognition of my unruly ways, I do not believe that there is something uniquely special about my differentness. I do think we all are living artist and creators and that none of us belong in fixed patterns. I also understand how challenging it is to leave the crevices and comfort of the known, although the known is more often than not the unknown.
Mostly, comfort is a holding pattern that breathes avoidance instead of an embrace of what it knows comes next: healing.
Photo by Gabriel Enrique/iStock / Getty Images
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